Coming up:
The Applied Theatre Conference will be held at North Greenville University in Tigerville, SC March 25-26. Join four distinguished experts in applied theatre along with hundreds of theatre practitioners, social workers, ministers, educators, caregivers and others concerned with the welfare of people in underserved communities for two days of dynamic interaction.
Select one of four tracks (theatre and autism, theatre and social justice, theatre with the homeless and theatre in prisons) and learn new applications of theatre to impact the lives of those you serve.Whether your theater background is extensive or nonexistent; whether you are currently plugged into social work or not – this conference will inspire you and provide you with tools to become an effective caregiver to these, and other, marginalized communities.
It is not too late to join leaders Rich Swingle and Kim Messer on a trip to Jordan and Israel May 16-24, 2011! Harmony International is extending payment time for anyone interested.
The CITA San Juan Puerto Rico Conference will be held July 15-17. Join Christian theatre artists from Puerto Rico, the US and Canada and many other countries for three days of cross cultural exchange, encouragement, and equipping for the ministry of theater. Whether you are an artist working in a church, school, or professional setting; whether you are a part of a group or a solo artist; actors, directors, writers, designers, dancers, all theater artists are invited to contribute to and benefit from this dynamic gathering San Juan.
For more information on any of these opportunities, visit www.cita,org.
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