"Is God the Source of Morality?" will be the question when Socrates in the City offers its first debate 7 pm Monday, Sept. 13 at the New York Society for Ethical Culture, 2 West 64th St. at Central Park West..

NY Times best-selling author Dinesh D'Souza, left, ("What's So Great About Christianity') will go against Peter Singer, below right, professor of bioethics at Princeton University. D'Souza will be taking the pro side of the question; Singer will take the con side.

Tickets are being sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Register at
https://www.socratesinthecity.com/gamma/sitc-debate/register.php or call 646-201-3375.
DeSousa's book is a comprehensive answer to a spate of atheist books denouncing theism in general and Christianity in particular. A former policy analyst in the Reagan White House, DeSousa was named by The New York Times Magazine as one of America's most influential conservative thinkers. The World Affairs Council lists him as one of the nation's 500 leading authorities on international issues.
Singer, born in Austrailia, first became well-known internationally after the publication of "Animal Liberation." He is the co-founder, and President, of The Great Ape Project, an international effort to obtain basic rights for chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans. He is also President of Animal Rights International.

The debate will be moderated by host and SITC founder Eric Metaxas.
Meanwhile, Metaxas, left, will be the speaker at the second SITC event in Chicago 7 pm, Thursday, Sept. 16 at the Union League Club. He'll speak about his latest book: "Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy."
To register, or for more information, visit