Chuck Neighbors, an actor with a blessed performing arts ministry, Master's Image Productions, based in Oregon, had these inspired words about encouragement this week:
I believe what I am doing is my "calling" both professionally and spiritually speaking. But sometimes I wonder... I wonder "is what I am doing really making a difference?" I think thoughts like: "If I stopped doing this tomorrow, would anybody notice (other than my wife, of course)?" You even start to question the calling... "Did I get it right? What if it wasn't God's voice I heard back then? What if...."
I know the questions are not unique to my profession--I am sure we all have those moments in life.
The other day I arrived home after yet another weekend of travel to find these words in my email inbox:
"I attended a recent performance of your adaptation of In His Steps in 29 Palms, California. I have to tell you that I didn't quite know what to expect when they told me that there would be a performance on Sunday. I didn't know if it would be cheesy, unprofessional, outdated, or just impractical. But I must say that I was not only impressed, but inspired. It was done very well and you definitely got your point across. If In His Steps was that life-changing for me, I can't help but think what it and your other presentations might do for others."
This was just what I needed to hear. When you travel, perform, and then leave--you often miss seeing the fruits of your labor. Don't underestimate the impact your words of encouragement can have on the lives of those around you! Your words could be just what they need to hear!
Find out more about Chuck and his performing associates at http://www.mastersimage.com/
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